John Grega

John has 25 years of racing experience with over 200 feature wins while racing in more than 1,000 races. His special series race wins include: Main Event Championship, Super 8 Series, Iceman Series, McCreary Triple Crown Series, Michigan State Cup Title, Dealers Choice, M.S.P.A. Series, Chris Bradley Memorial and Berlin's 50th Anniversary.
He has 16 track championship titles over the years and has held 14 track records.
John also competes in other racing sports such as motocross, ice bike racing, and snowmobile drags. Since 1972 he has won many titles in these sports.
In 2002 he was honored to receive the Henry P. Fitzwater driver of the year award presented to him by Michigan Racing Scene at the Michigan Auto Racing Fan Club awards banquet.
As stated by Cindy Grega, he lives his dreams and puts in 110 percent into his racing.