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Requirements for Biography Submittals

Bios can be submitted either digitally by email or sent to the address below:
Michigan Motor Sports Hall of Fame
28047 Maple Forest Blvd. E., Harrison Twp., MI 48045


All nominee candidates must have started their racing career 25 years prior to being submitted for consideration. Nominee Candidates must have been retired for a period of time not less than five years or in the case of active participants have reached the age of 55 (the 25-year provision still applies) * The candidate has to be a past or present legal resident of Michigan, or, if a non-resident, competed the vast majority of their career within the State of Michigan. All completed bios must be received by the Hall of Fame board by the last day of February. (The voting process takes place in May, with the public announcement of the results occurring in June or July. The actual induction ceremonies take place in late October or early November.)
All bios remain permanently on file. You must include the candidate's date of birth, place of birth, total years and dates lived Michigan, date deceased if applicable, and complete current address and phone number, fax, etc. If the author or submitter is other than the candidate named on the bio, the author shall also provide their own complete current address and phone info, and explain relationship to candidate. (Wife, husband, son, daughter, friend, fan, associate, etc.) Elements needed for a concise, to the point, easy to read bio: (NO handwritten submittals, please...) Electronic submission in Microsoft Word or PDF to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is preferred.
Keep the facts and events of a candidate's career in chronological order. Start at the beginning and work forward. Please do not jump around from decade to decade, and do not insert facts and info out of order as to when they happened. Write as much history about the candidate as you please, we will always want and need as much info as we can get for our historical archives. However, realize that for the balloting/voting/and induction process, we have to condense the highlights of a candidate's career down to ONE 8 1/2" x 11" word processor-written (type-written) page.
As the author of a given candidate's bio, you would speed up the submittal process by writing a shortened, condensed one page bio, as well as a longer version, if you wish. Consider including a "Quick-Facts" chronological reference sheet along with the bio. On a left column put the years, from the career beginning, and then place the major highlights of each year on the right hand column.

Be sure to include basic facts such as:

  • Specific type of motor sports nominated for
  • List any and all roles filled in motor sports by candidate; driver, official, owner, engine machinist & builder, crew chief, mechanic, etc.
  • Include info in regards to any other motor sports experience and accomplishments
  • How original interest was developed
  • First year racing
  • Last year racing
  • Location of first & last race or competition
  • List important wins at the local level
  • List important wins at the regional or divisional level
  • List important wins at the national and world level
  • List track, regional, national, and world records
  • Most memorable feat or cherished memory in motor sports career
  • Names of spouse and children
  • Names of racing partners and associates
  • Include as many copies of photos as you can, including a quality head photo of the candidate. This is very necessary for our archival photo collection, our induction process, and for our public exhibit display in Lansing, MI.
Please go to one of the various copy making outlets that have a laser copier. These machines will make copies of your originals that look as good as the originals, color or black and white. Please do as much research as possible on a bio, and please double check all of the facts. We realize that this is sometimes difficult. An example would be when you are the third, or even fourth family generation away from a candidate who is possibly deceased, and other first hand sources have passed on also. Nonetheless, we would implore you to insure the greatest possible accuracy and documentation in your findings.
Don't "embellish" the facts if you're not sure of them. The Michigan Motor Sports Hall of Fame Board appreciates and welcomes all legitimate biography submittals. We also welcome all donations of memorabilia of all types, to include photo, scrap book yearly keep log book, and other collections. As we are a 501 (c) Non-Profit organization recognized by the State of Michigan, your donations are tax-deductible within the limits of current tax laws. The voting process involving all living inductees, and all past and present board members. Over 100 persons are eligible for the sealed ballot voting.
Our dedicated, non-paid, all-volunteer board sincerely thanks you for your interest and support of the Michigan Motor Sports Hall of Fame. Founded 1982, Comstock Park, (Grand Rapids) MI.
* This provison has been revised April 1, 2019 to include the requirements for retired drivers/participants or minimum age. All Biography submissions received prior to April 1, 2019 and still under consideration are Grandfathered.